Planned Giving

Create your Mu Phi Legacy

Since 1903, the Mu Phi Epsilon Fraternity has advanced music in the community, nation, and world through promotion of musicianship, scholarship, therapy, and education, with an emphasis on service through music. As the philanthropic arm of Mu Phi Epsilon, the Foundation asks you to consider making a commitment to the future of Mu Phi by including a gift to benefit the Foundation in your estate plans.

Giving Amount

Under $1,000

$1,000 to $4,999

$5,000 to $24,999

$25,000 to $99,999

$100,000 or more


Under 40

41 - 54

55 - 69




Appreciated Securities

Retirement Plan Assets

Life Insurance

Real Estate

Tangible Personal Property

Guidelines for Tax Deductible Gifts, Bequests, and Devises

All gifts/donations are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. If the donor specifies that the principal of and/or the interest from the donation is for education and/or charitable purpose or purposes, the disbursement shall be as the directors of the Mu Phi Epsilon Foundation shall deem advisable. If the Statement of Donation lists specific use for the funds, then the Statement shall determine disbursement of the donation.

Suggested Wording of Donations to the Foundation

  • I give, devise, and bequeath to Mu Phi Epsilon Foundation, a nonprofit Nebraska corporation, the following (list money and/or real or personal property) to be used exclusively for the promotion and advancement of music, musicianship and scholarship as set for in the Purposes and Aims of Mu Phi Epsilon International Professional Music Fraternity.


  • I give, devise, and bequeath to Mu Phi Epsilon Foundation, a nonprofit Nebraska corporation, the following (list money and/or real or personal property), the principal to be held and the income only to be used exclusively for the promotion and advancement of music, musicianship and scholarship in keeping with the Purposes and Aims of the Mu Phi Epsilon International Professional Music Fraternity.

A named endowment requires a minimum gift of $25,000.

Notification of all gifts should be sent to:

Mu Phi Epsilon Foundation
6510 Telecom Dr, Suite 370
Indianapolis, IN 46278

NOTE: Gifts, bequests and devises to the Mu Phi Epsilon Foundation are deductible in computing the federal income, estate and gift taxes imposed by the Internal Revenue code of the United States. The statement of donation should be adapted to the requirement of state laws.

A copy of the MPE Foundation’s Financial Report is available on request.